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foodie blog on tumblr:

I love food. One of my favorite things about travel is trying new foods and restaurants. When something I ate doesn't suit a whole post here on Diverge, I make a casual food-review post about it on my hungry little tumblr. Tap the link above to go to the blog's timeline, or scroll down to see pics, previews, and links to specific posts.


1921 Angel Hill

May 13, 2023


"this was a special dining experience, as Loverboy took me to a Michelin-starred restaurant for my birthday dinner. it was of course exquisite, and still a very comfortable atmosphere. I tried frogs legs, foie gras, and duck, liked everything except the texture of foie gras, and also enjoyed two delightfully strong cocktails..."


April 24, 2023


"the dish on the left was an Albanian cornbread appetizer, and while I was not hungry enough to finish everything, the two pieces I did have were really yummy. the cornbread was thinner and crisper, and also less sweet, than like american cornbread, which is fair. it had a walnut spread on top, which was..."


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Le Bon

April 25, 2023


"breakfast in Albania was a bit unusual, because all the cafes and breakfast-type restaurants we could find simply had pastries (obviously) and... deli sandwiches? I love a deli sammich, so no complaints there, I just couldn't tell if that was like the normal breakfast for Albanians, or..."

The Room

April 26, 2023


"the poll on my travel blog post about Tirana has spoken: surprising source of comfort food! most of the food in Albania is Italian cuisine, which is good but I was happy to see a noodle-less dish too! Honestly, mashed potatoes, grilled chicken (with seasoning), and asparagus is one of my favorite combos for..."


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April 11, 2023


"I didn't expect to find such delish and fancy Italian food in Scotland, but they sure have it! I ordered bruschetta and a chicken dish, and the brusch' marked my first time trying anchovies..."



Burger Amour

March 14, 2023


"apparently Brits don't go out to eat on Tuesdays... the Chinese restaurant was take-out only (and we were set on eating in not ordering out), the highest-rated local restaurant was closed completely on Tuesdays, and this lovely burger joint was out of half of their ingredients..."

January 18, 2023


"I had chicken tikka, and my partner had vegetable biryani. we also got samosas, and some other side dishes that I forget the names of but they were all delicious!

the chicken nourished my soul. the samosas did the work of my antidepressants. the rice...."


Jan. 21-27, 2023


"I went to this restaurant three times in the week i was in Iceland, and it was delicious every time.

it was about 3 blocks from the hotel, so very conveniently located, especially as it catered to the vegetarians in our group. I've said before that I don't typically eat red meats, but..."

January 21-27, 2023


"I love a good hotel breakfast - who doesn't?? and this one was GOOD. Pictured here are breakfast (left) and lunch (right) from our first day in Reykjavik. My tummy was so happy, especially with the honeydew and pancakes from the breakfast buffet..."

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Dec. 29, 2022


"while I was ~home for the holidays~ I had brunch with a friend I hadn't seen since last Christmas, and it was lovely. Also seeing my friend was good too. ;)..."

Dec. 9, 2022


"okay so, this was by FAR
the best in-flight meal I've ever had on a plane

I even liked the cup of quinoa salad!! I do not normally enjoy anything involving quinoa!! but this was delicious!!

meal included..."

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Dec. 8, 2022


"my partner and I have eaten here a few times now and have not been disappointed. This dinner was the night before I went back to the states for the rest of the month, and it was a sweet date night..."

January 1, 2023


"i love going to Edmundo's, have never been disappointed there, whether going for coffee or drinks & apps or a whole meal. On New Year's Day..."

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Jan. 7, 2023


"we were in London, we were hungry, I wanted noodles, and he didn't wanna spend a gazillion dollars. itsu was the perfect solution!

it serves inexpensive, but delicious and filling, ready-made hot and cold Asian-fusion bowls..."

Dec. 1, 2022


"OH. EM. GEE. I had lunch here with a dear friend two months ago (catching up on posts here lol) and idk why I haven't gone back yet... "

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