About Me
Hi, thanks for visiting!
Hi! My name's Heather, and I'm a twenty-something dancer, artist, and lover of travel. After suspecting for a few years that I might be on the spectrum, I received an autism diagnosis at the age of 26.
Identifying travel, world cultures, and language learning as special interests of mine is what inspired me to start this blog. Now that I have the chance to do some more traveling, I decided to write about it.
This blog is purely coming from my own experience as an autistic woman who is resistant to change and gets nervous in new scenarios yet loves traveling and wants to see as much of the world as she can. My goal in sharing my experiences is to empower other neurodivergent people to embrace their wanderlust with tips and tricks for having a good time.
I hope it helps, and if you have any suggestions for topics or want to share your own travel tips, click button below to submit your idea!
photo credit: Angela Emmanuel
Special Interests
Sailor Moon
ancient mythologies
mysteries & true crime
Animal Crossing
Favorite Places
backstage at a theatre
Greensburg, PA
Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
Andalusia, Spain
between any two nice trees in my hammock
Jitters Coffe House in Millersburg, OH
Abbey Gardens, BSE